Neck, Shoulders and Back | NOTES

I could create a gazillion different list of somatic movements-- "playlists" as I call them-- to address any area of the body. Even in this past week, I guided three different classes through three different sets of explorations. 

Here's a brief (30 minute) lesson with some variations I think you'll enjoy. The live classes sure did!

Yes, I did a video, so you could see what I'm referring to. Please do not watch and do at the same time. If you have questions, watch, then do. Ok?

Notice how the neck and shoulders are related to the pelvis, and vice versa as you explore these variations of standard movements. Be sure to not go on "autopilot"! Listen to my cues so your brain has new experiences.

The last move is a variation on the seated twist, but done on your back. Please let me know what you think of it. :-)
